The HEART score consists of 5 components: History, ECG, Age, Risk factors and Troponin. Every component can be given 0 to 2 points, adding to a maximum score of 10 points. Patients with a HEART score of 0 to 3 are the low-risk patients.
For more information about the original HEART score, visit:
In the ARTICA trial, a modified HEAR(T) score is used. Patients with a suspected acute coronary syndrome and a HEAR score of 0-3 are eligible for participation. This score is based on the first 4 components (H-E-A-R) of the HEART score. After inclusion, the patients are 1:1 randomized:
1) Emergency department presentation (including a troponin T measurement, completing the HEART score)
2) Point-of-care troponin T measurement in the ambulance and transfer of the care to the general practitioner in case of a low (<40 ng/L) troponin T. If troponin T is elevated, the patient is transferred to the emergency department.